
Don’t miss a single moment of fun!
At Aqualand El Arenal, aquatic fun is infinite and we want every second of your adventure to be recorded forever. Experience all the attractions to the maximum and don’t worry about capturing those unforgettable moments.
Our photo capture system will take care of everything so that you don’t miss a single moment of the action: from dizzying slides to family splashes, every smile, every splash and every joyful gesture will be immortalised.

How does it work? It is very simple:
1- Access our photo platform.
2- Use the image recognition tool to find all your images.
3- Select your favourites and take them with you to relive the excitement again and again!
🌊Share your moments with us! Tag us in your pictures so we can join the fun.✨📸 #aqualandmallorca
If you have any questions, incidents, or if you have not received your paid photos, please send an email detailing your case to the following email address: