
Our dolphinarium, forms part as a member of various different organisations at European Level, for example the EEP and as such we collaborate in different conservation areas, and in the European breeding programmes for this species.
Research, also plays an important part in our park. Our biologist, Catarina Monreal, has conducted a study of acoustics. The communication between mother and baby, and the development and evolution of the sounds emitted by dolphins from birth, and in relation with their mother and social group. This investigation has been published by the EEAM
Aqualand has a dolphin therapy program aimed at disabled children. We count on the collaboration of a group of specialists which include: psychologists, therapists, educators, therapists, and special education teachers. Together with them our team of trainers work to be able to offer alternatives to work for this group of very special people.
The dolphinarium in Aqualand, was opened in 1995, and since then, there have been 18 births with in the facility.

We have a working protocol, which has been prepared and studied to guarantee that the reproduction in our dolphinarium is carried out in the most natural form possible, stimulating therefore the instinctive and innate behaviour of the dolphins.
The programmes effectiveness is based on:
- The social stability of the group of dolphins
- The installation, which in our case was consciously designed with reproduction in mind.
- The qualified technical team, made up of dedicated people, one hundred percent committed, with the aim to maintain the health and welfare of the animals.
Our education programme has been prepared, with the aim to offer information adapted , to the age of the boys and girls who visit the dolphinarium. This is based on conservation, instilling protective behaviour and respect of the environment.
This was developed in three parts:
The first takes place in our classroom, it is a presentation which explains the anatomy of these creatures, their behaviour and the way of life of the dolphins and other species which live in the Canarian coastal waters.
The second part with different type of gymkhana games the children learn in a playful atmosphere how to separate different waste. These games have been designed to instill respect for the environment and conservation.
In the last part, we realize an on-site demonstration of everything learned in the classroom Watching very near the animals an exhibition, we give the children the chance to see the conduct and the natural behaviour of the dolphins.
Every boy and girl are given a diploma that they attended and a work file suitable for their age.
The chance to see these animals so close, awakens in children the desire to protect dolphins which is the main aim of the programme.